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Consciousness, a Cosmic Phenomenon—A Hypothesis

Eva K. Déli


A new physical worldview is introduced, which shows that mental operations are analogous to the physical world, and that just like photons, emotions carry energy. Photons are the fundamental interactions of fermions, and in the brain, sensory stimulus triggers energy imbalances, called emotions, the forces of mental interaction. Therefore, emotions motivate thoughts and actions that recover the energy-neutral state of the brain. Material interaction generates a temporal evolution that culminates in the emergence of the intelligent mind. The entropy of both elementary constituents (material and mental particles) of the universe continuously changes between the poles. Throughout life the mind maintains a low-entropy state due to constant interaction with the outside world via the sensory organs. The death of the body permits the entropy of the mind to increase. Depending on the mind’s energy state, the mental entropy will either accumulate information or energy, while maintaining a constant alignment with the temporal field in its time-travel, ending at one of the poles. The energy-rich mind converges towards expanding white holes, whereas an information-saturated mind becomes part of the black hole horizon. In the expanding white hole, space is infinite, yet everything feels neighborly and the infinite feels like a moment. In black holes the moment feels like eternity, yet it imposes a two-dimensional tightness, where everything is far and beyond reach. Matter and mind are the prime building blocks of the universe, which also displays elementary particle characteristics. The three interconnected, interdependent building blocks formulate the organizational unity and fractal structure of the universe. Intelligent life is a microcosm of the universe, and the mind is an active participant in cosmic evolution.

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ISSN: 2153-8212